Welcome to Crude Baking where you can learn more about our baking process and figure out your own way to connect to the sacred hearth. Witchcraft and magic have always been connected to the fire, cauldron and mixing ingredients to transform them into something else. At Otherworld Libations we practice witchcraft incorporating aspects of the sacred hearth and baking items with purpose.
In our modern world baking has become more about the final end result of ascetic and not the process. Crude baking is about the messy, raw, natural process of turning basic ingredients into masterpieces. Some will turn out well, some will not be meant for this world. Baking is about more then perfection it is about connecting with your ingredients with all your senses, and creating something new. I have encountered numerous people who claim baking is not for them because it is too technical, or they are not perfectionists. Crude Baking is to help people realize there is more to this art then meats the eye, and how to harness the magic of baking.